Support Cornell Cinema

“One of the greatest sources of culture available to the Cornell community.” —Paul Cueva ’10, College of Engineering

“Cornell Cinema has exposed me to an entirely different and diverse world of films that I would not have seen otherwise.”— Daniela Beall '11, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

“To my mind, Cornell Cinema is the single best extra-curricular program that the University offers. Stimulating, well-organized, smart…” —Josi Ward, graduate student in College of Architecture, Art and Planning

“I didn't need to go to film school. Cornell Cinema was my film school.” —Doug Block ’75, Sundance, Emmy and Peabody-award winning filmmaker

If one of these quotes rings true for you and you care about keeping film culture vibrant in Ithaca, then you’ve come to the right place!

Cornell Cinema has been in existence since 1970 and for five decades has broadened the horizons of tens of thousands of students and community members. We rely on annual assistance from individual donors to present a high-caliber program year after year, and to remain nimble and responsive to rapidly evolving technologies & circumstances that change the ways films are released and experienced.

A donation from you, large or small, will help us continue to offer the wide variety and quality of films patrons have come to expect from Cornell Cinema, as well as present the increasingly important live events (visiting filmmakers, live music/film performances) that bring people into the theatre at a time when there are so many alternative ways to view a film on its own.

Please accept our invitation to become a Friend of Cornell Cinema by making a tax-deductible contribution. Unrestricted gifts, no matter what the amount, help support Cornell Cinema. Gifts may also be designated to support a specific area of our activities. We are happy to send you a list of particular needs and funding opportunities—simply email our director Molly Ryan at [email protected] for more information.

There are two ways to give:

  1. Make a gift online 
  2. Send a check payable to "Cornell Cinema" to: 
    Cornell University
    Box 37334 
    Boone, IA 50037-0334